As one local expression of the Church, these are the core values that we strive to maintain and strengthen:
Our Denominational (Church of the Nazarene) Core Values:
Intergenerational-- we value reaching all generations and creating an environment where those in various generations develop relationships with one another.
Diversity-- besides intergenerational we value diversity in other areas as well, for instance, socio-economic, cultural, etc.
Our special relationship with Amigos en Cristo-- Early in our history our Leadership Team adopted a resolution that included: “… in the spirit of Christian love and denominational unity we, …, will seek ways to partner with Kenosha Amigos En Cristo…. We seek unity, not uniformity and will work to ensure that both congregations maintain their identity, culture, and autonomy.” The most visible part of this relationship is our building-sharing partnership which is defined by equality in authority and equity in responsibility.
Generosity-- we value being comprised of generous people and collectively being generous (Our people are generous givers in tithes and offerings and we are generous with Funding the Mission and supporting things like Care Net...)
Ministry of the Laity-- We believe that all Christians should be involved in ministry. Kenosha Family Church will strive to help every member find an appropriate and fulfilling ministry.
Ministry of the Word--We believe, “the Old and New Testament Scriptures, given by plenary inspiration, contain all truth necessary to faith and Christian living.” (Manual) Therefore, we place a strong emphasis on learning and preaching/teaching the word as well as equipping the church family to, “correctly handle the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)
Prayer-- We recognize that prayer is key to a growing relationship with God as well as the means for connecting to God’s power as we carry out his purpose. We emphasize that we be a people of prayer both corporately and as individuals.
Worship-- We place a high priority on the multifaceted gatherings we call the worship service.
Corporately declaring our praise and commitment to God is an important part of our relationship with God and each other.
Our weekly gathering also serves to provide encouragement and comfort to those worshipers in need of the same.
To facilitate spiritual growth, the weekly gathering also serves to challenge and “spur on” the worshiper into an ever deepening faith and relationship
Our worship should create a thirst for God in those attending who do not have a personal relationship with God and provide opportunities to make life-changing decisions.
Multiplication-- It is part of our DNA that we be part of a church multiplication movement.